博文中会简要介绍Leetcode P0004题目分析及解题思路。
博文中会简要介绍Leetcode P0003题目分析及解题思路。
博文中会简要介绍Leetcode P0002题目分析及解题思路。
博文中会简要介绍Leetcode P0001题目分析及解题思路。
这学期在USC学了csci571这门课,第8次课程项目要求用React + Express实现一个Web应用并且部署到云端。这个项目的部署方法基本分为两大类,一种是分离部署,通过Nginx代理服务器来实现访问;另一种是统一部署,直接在云端部署一个完整的全栈Web应用。本文主要讲解后一种方法,使用统一部署的方法将一个完整的Web应用(不含数据库)部署到AWS Elastic Beanstalk上。
本质上,Webpack是一个现代Javascript应用程序的静态模块打包器(Module Bundler)。当Webpack处理应用程序时,它会递归地构建一个依赖关系图(Dependency Graph),其中包含应用程序需要的每个模块,然后将所有这些模块打包成一个或多个bundle。从Webpack v4.0.0开始,可以不用引入一个配置文件。然而,Webpack仍然还是高度可配置的。
这学期的csci571的hw6要求自己手写一个轮播图,用于展示Google News的前五条headline新闻。我在实现的时候参考了掘金上的一篇博客(具体博客见下文参考),对我纯Javascript实现轮播图带来了很大帮助,故整理到自己的博客中。
A web application for news, whose frontend is implemented by using React and whose backend is developed in Express.
Experiments for A Compiler Design, whose requirements are given by the NJU Compiling class. This simple compiler attempts to achieve basic jobs that a complex and complete compiler is enabled to finish.
A basic distributed file system that is based on the Microservices Architecture, implemented in Java by using Spring-boot/Spring-cloud framework, which is also a final project for the course called Software Architecture
An iOS News App with GUI in Swift4, which can display different news based on news types and GPS location, can persist favourite news in local memory and also can search for news with specific keywords.
An application, developed by Swift, used on mobile iOS system, contributed by a two-person team, is used for students to prepare for the national postgraduate entrance examination.