Leetcode P0017"Letter Combinations of a Phone Number" 题解

2020/08/18 Leetcode

博文中会简要介绍Leetcode P0017题目分析及解题思路。

“Letter Combinations of a Phone Number”是典型的深度搜索的题目,这里是溯洄法,核心其实就是在考察深度搜索(DFS)

Given a string containing digits from 2-9 inclusive, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.

A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. Note that 1 does not map to any letters.



class Solution {
    public List<String> letterCombinations(String digits) {
        if (digits == null || digits.length() == 0)
            return new ArrayList<>();
        Map<Character, List<String>> digit2LettersMap = new HashMap<>();
        digit2LettersMap.put('1', new ArrayList<>());
        digit2LettersMap.put('2', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"a", "b", "c"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('3', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"d", "e", "f"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('4', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"g", "h", "i"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('5', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"j", "k", "l"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('6', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"m", "n", "o"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('7', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"p", "q", "r", "s"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('8', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"t", "u", "v"}));
        digit2LettersMap.put('9', Arrays.asList(new String[] {"w", "x", "y", "z"}));
        this.combine(digits.toCharArray(), 0, new StringBuilder(), digit2LettersMap);
        return combinations;
    private List<String> combinations = new ArrayList<>();
    private void combine(char[] digits, int index, StringBuilder sequence, Map<Character, List<String>> d2LMap) {
        if (index >= digits.length) {
        for (int itr=0; itr<d2LMap.get(digits[index]).size(); ++itr) {
            this.combine(digits, index+1, sequence, d2LMap);


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